Asexual And Sexual Reproduction
When offspring is produced by a single parent With or without involvement of gamate formation is called Asexual Reproduction
When two parents (opposite sex) participate in the reproductive process and also involve fusion of male and female gametes is called Sexual Reproduction
Difference in
Sexual & Asexual reproduction
male & Female parents are evolved. Only single parent involved
Morphologically & Genetically dissimilar Morphologically & Genetically similar to parents(Clones)
to parents
Formation of male & Female Gamate
Fussion of gametes
Asexual Reproduction.......
In Asexual reproduction,A single parent is capable of producing off spring.As a result,the offspring that are produced are not only identical to one another but are also exact copies of their parent.
Are these offspring likely to be genitically identical or different ?
Theoff springs will be genetically identical.This is because of Asexual reproduction,We know that in Asexual reproduction only one parent takes part in reproduction process.So, there no mixing of genes.
thereby the off spring will be morphologically and genitically similar to parent. Such morphologically and genitically similar individals are called CLONES
Asexual reproduction is common among single celled organisms, and in plants and animals with relatively simple organisations.In protists and Moneran, the organism or the parent cell divides into 2 give rise to new individuals.Thus, in these organisms "cell division" is itself a mode of reproduction.
Many single celled organisms reproduce by "binary fission".In yeast,the division is unequal and small "buds"produced later seperated and mature intonew yeast organisms (cells).Members of the Kingdom Fingi & simple plants such as algae have special reproductive structure called "Zoospores"Which is microscopic motile structures.
Other common Asexual reproductive structures are "conidia(penicillium),buds(Hydra) & gemmules(sponge).
While in animals & other simple organisms the term Asexual is used unambiguously,in plants, the tearm "vegetative propagules".Obviously,sine the formation of these structures does not involve 2 parents,the process involved is asexual.
Is vegitative reproduction also a type of asexual reproduction?Why do you say?Is the tearm clone applicable to the offspring formed by vegetative reproduction ?
Vegetative reproduction also a type of asexual reproduction.So there is no formation & fussion of gamates involved,in plants the offsprings are formed from Adventitious Buds,Adventitious roots,offset,buds etc...
Vegetative propagules & examples
Rhizome : Ginger
Bulb : Onion
Stem tuber : Potato
Runner : Hydrocotyle,Oxalis
Sucker : Chrysanthemum,Banana
Offst : Pistia
Aerial stem: Sugar cane,Pepper,Rose
Offset : water Hyacinth
bulbil : Avage
Root : Bread fruit tree,Curry leaf plant
Leaf Buds : Bryophyllum
Some plants reoroduces both sexually & asexually.
For eg: Pepper, Sugar cane, Curry leaf Plant.
Some Questions For You........
1. The vegitative propagation in Chrysanthemum is means of ?
Ans: Sucker.
2. I which type of reproduction Unequal daughter cells are produced?
Ans: Budding.
3. Sugar cane is normally grown By ?
Ans: Stem cutting.
Do you think 'Dolly' the first cloned sheep is an exact copy of its mother? Why?
Ans:Yes Dolly is an exact copy of its mother.the offspring produced by cloning are Morphologically & Genetically similar to its parent.
Do you agree that Budding is an asexual reproduction ?
Ans:Yes,Budding is an asexual reproductive meathod.Its commen in yeast cells.The Bud is formed from the parent cell.It grows & seperated from the parent cell to form a new yeast cell.
And here only one parent takes paet in the process of reproduction & no fertilization takes place.So,its an asexual reproduction.
What is Budding ?(reproduction)
Ans:Its atype of asexual reproduction commenly in Hydra, The part of the body wall bulges outwards & eventully form a new individual whic comes detached from the parent.
Malarial parasites Divides into many daughter cells simultaneously through multiple fission.State an advantage the parasite gets because of this type of reproduction.
Ans:Due tp this type of reproduction a large number of offsprings are produced at the same time.